Based on Huston's form of Kane's equation, equations of motion are formulated for deployable/ retractable aerospace structures, with recursive Euler parameter and translation supposed as generalized coordinate, and recursive angular velocity and translation velocity as generalized velocity. 以欧拉参数为广义坐标(准坐标),相对角速度和相对移动速度为广义速率,采用Kane方程的Huston形式建立多体系统的运动力学方程。
Generalized simple exclusion processes with potential translation invariant probability 具有有势平移不变迁移的广义简单排它过程
Conveyance of Generalized Conversational Implicature and Particularized Conversational Implicature in E-C Proverb Translation 英谚汉译中一般与特殊会话含义的传递
The thesis chiefly applies the theory of generalized and particularized conversational implicature on analyzing the process of E-C proverb translation. 本文主要运用一般会话含义与特殊会话含义理论单方向研究英谚汉译之过程。
A generalized morpho interpolation method for nonrigid body motion is proposed based on morpho translation. 提出一种基于形态变换的非刚体运动的广义内插方法。
Variation Translation is a method generalized from Yan Fu's translation theory and modern translation practice. 变译(翻译变体)是从严复和当代翻译实践中总结出来的翻译方法,变译研究则是时代的需求,译论发展的继续,对变译实践的理论回答。
If the features of translated language that have been reported are to be generalized as "translation universals", the language pairs involved must not be restricted to English and closely related European languages. 如果要把这类特征泛化为翻译共性,那么研究的语言显然不应该只局限在英语或其他印欧语言。
Moreover, we have made experiments on several models with our generalized decoder, which turns out that the more prior knowledge we add into the model, the better translation we make. 此外,我们也利用统一解码器对多种模型进行了解码,实验证明,在相同的语料上训练模型,对于加入越多先验知识的模型,其解码效果越好。
The thesis aims to analyze the conveyance of generalized conversational implicature and particularized conversational implicature in English to Chinese proverb translation. 本文旨在从语用角度研究英谚汉译中一般会话含义与特殊会话含义的传递与切换。
On the one hand, if a certain social actor is included or excluded, activated or subjected and generalized or individualized, the translation must retain the original pattern. 一方面来说,不论某一社会行为者被包括或排除、作为动作发出者或承受者、一般化或个别化,翻译必须保持源语模式。
But the ideological influence has been magnified, absolutized and generalized. Although ideology has a great and profound influence on translation, the translators are not indifferent to it. 但是人们对意识形态的影响颇有扩大化、绝对化和泛化的趋势,意识形态的确对翻译有着深远的影响,但是译者面对这一影响也不是无动于衷的。